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Holiday Season

Despite my best efforts I seem to have let this go by the wayside lately. Since the most recent post I have stepped down slightly to only do 40 - 45 hours a week and ensure that I devote some time to my health, which over the first year of business and throughout COVID I paid no attention to and the results have not been good for myself or my ability to devote myself fully to the business. The disadvantage of this is that now that we have lost JobKeeper and are trying to ensure our staff costs don't blow too far out of control I find myself torn between stepping back in and back up to 60 - 70 hours a week and ensuring things are done to the appropriate standard without crushing the staff spirits (something that I'm sure many business owners have struggled with). Luckily we have recently found one of our pizza chefs to have many hidden talents, among them being the front of house and marketing, but most importantly the passion. His passion for the industry and consequently the restaurant will help to boost my own, and hopefully this will continue to work both ways.

Down to business we are yet again coming off our best month ever sales wise, and heading into the busiest season. This being said we have recently hired an accountant who has made our situation very clear that if we cannot increase sales further then we will have to make staff cuts as the need for both me and my partner to start receiving a reasonable wage. This is something I am desperately trying to avoid if possible.

On a positive note we have the Northern Beaches Local Business Awards presentation night coming up which is fast approaching in early December. Though we will be closing for the night it will be a well earned rest for all of us and hopefully will help in reigniting the passion for some of our more seasoned staff, while also rewarding the hard work we have all put into the restaurant (though we are very realistic about our chances being a new restaurant with little financial backing, its nice to believe).

I will make sure to put some more effort into maintaining this as though it was created through necessity I still believe it is a unique way to maintain connections with our amazing customers from all over the Northern Beaches, and though very few people read it, if only one does then it makes it worth writing. We are looking forward to the holiday season (though for us it is far from a holiday), it is always nice to see the functions and banquets and people enjoying themselves and rewarding themselves for what has been a hard year for everybody.

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